Obesity Surgery in Turkey!

24 / 7 SUPPORT

Obesity Surgery in Turkey!

24 / 7 SUPPORT

Calculate your BMI
Are you in the healthy range? Use this tool to calculate
your BMI now to know your risk for obesity-related diseases.
BMI uses weight and height to estimate body fat.
A high BMI is associated with an increased risk of
chronic diseases such as heart disease,
high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.
BMI provides a reasonable estimate of body fat for most people.

We also recommend you check your waist measurement.As your BMI increases so does your risk of developing coronary heart disease, as well as other heath conditions. It is important that you take steps to reduce your weight. The good news is that even losing small amounts of weight can benefit your health. To achieve and maintain a healthy weight be physically active every day and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that meets your energy needs. Talk to your Doctor If your BMI is over 35, your doctor may advise you on additional options available to support you with losing weight.